Fidelis Security
Fidelis Halo
Cloud computing promises speed, agility, and cost savings. As organizations transform business on public, private, hybrid, and multi-cloud architectures, they look to security experts to help keep cloud assets safe from cyber-attacks. Many cloud security solutions promise cloud speed and agility, yet they fail to deliver on those promises when faced with rapid cloud scaling or demands for portability. These cloud security solutions inflate cloud budgets by requiring excessive compute or storage resources and lag ephemeral cloud assets, alerting only after the threat has passed by undetected. These hidden costs are known as the “security tax.”
Today’s cloud-powered organizations need a different type of security and compliance. They need a solution that keeps up with the cloud, without impacting workloads or inflating cloud budgets. Organizations need workload security that spans hybrid and multi-cloud environments and offers easy portability between and across those systems. They need Fidelis CloudPassage Halo®.
What Makes Fidelis Halo Different?
Fidelis Halo completely reinvents the architecture for cloud workload protection. This uniquely streamlined, fast, and automated security solution centers on technology you will not find in any other cloud security platform–the Fidelis Halo Microagent. The Halo Microagent offloads the heavy lifting of workload security–including storage, memory, and compute scaling–to the Halo Cloud centralised agent framework. This patented architecture offers maximum security and compliance coverage, at scale, across all your environments, without impacting your cloud resources.
- Highly Efficient – Requires no additional installations of software or Java runtimes. The slim resource requirements of the microagent don’t get in the way, slow you down, or inflate your cloud budget.
- Inherently Secure – Installs on each cloud server via configuration through the Fidelis Halo Portal. It exposes no management or communication interfaces and is not network accessible, which minimizes the possibility of tampering.
- Proxy-Aware – Requires no network changes. Simply point Fidelis Halo at the server, container, or workload you want to secure, and it configures itself within your existing network parameters.
- Designed for Hostile Environments – Ensures that messages between each Halo Microagent and the Halo Cloud maintain authenticity, confidentiality, and integrity through patented cryptographic controls at the payload and network levels.
- Secure Architecture – Works on a command-and-control protocol, meaning that all communications from the Halo Microagent are unidirectional, and the Halo Microagent requires only read access to your assets.
- Self-Monitoring – Each Halo Microagent proactively detects signs of tampering through near real-time self-assessments. Network traffic and data access between the Halo Microagents and centralized framework also detect and alert on signs of malicious activity.

You’ve Never Seen an Agent this Small
At just 2 MB in size, and built on an architecture that rarely needs updating, the Halo Microagent is a game changer for automated cloud security. With only two microagents to manage–one for Linux and one for Windows that work across cloud providers and the data centre–your security persists through OS patches without reinstallation or agent updates.
End the Security Tax
The security tax is the collective set of hidden charges that cloud security vendors fail to mention. A heavy-agented or agentless solution might look good on paper, and even shine during a demo, but you’ll start to feel the tax when it comes time to scale in the cloud. The costs for required cloud resources and operational hours for configuration start to add up. Suddenly, you find yourself trading security for scale. Don’t let the security tax hold you back.
What’s great about Fidelis Halo is you don’t have to buy the entire suite. If you just need a Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM), solution then you can buy just that component which is Cloud Secure.
If you have an issue with managing cloud instances then Server Secures patented micro agent Halo Server Secure Cloud Workload Protection Platform (CWPP) service of the automates security and compliance management for Linux and Windows servers across any mix of public, private, or hybrid cloud hosting environments. Fidelis Server Secure addresses the security and compliance demands of cloud-hosted servers and workloads, giving rich context across diverse and distributed environments, and opening the door to consistent, automated remediation. It establishes, maintains, and automates workload protection across even the most dynamic enterprise computing environments.
Fidelis Container Secure continually monitors container environments to detect new vulnerabilities and exposes introduced by innocent changes or malicious activities, and enables automated remediation driven by InfoSec or DevOps teams.