Incubation Services

Wise Distribution Ltd

Incubation Services

Vendors based in another country wanting to set up a UK office can benefit from our experience and use our expertise to mitigate risks when it comes to launching your solution in a country you don’t live. We have helped several Vendors win business in the UK and give them the all important reference accounts that are needed to maximise sales.

I have a background of building and running several Cyber vendors. There were always several hurdles to overcome which could be lack of budget, the solution wasn’t good enough or not ready for market. Also, when you inherit sales staff, they don’t know how to correctly position the service or solution and their relationships with customers, aren’t as strong as they eluded to be in the interview.

To build an effective and quick pipeline you need the following.

  1. A product that’s needed, with a minimum of 3 claims you can back up.
  2. 1 claim that gives you your key differentiator above everyone else.
  3. Your digital strategy is driving new leads without breaking the bank.
  4. Salespeople that have relationships and have sold the same sort of service/solution.
  5. If you’re a new startup, then you may need to give away free to get these to first few clients.

So, after building your service /solution to get up and running in the United Kingdom you are looking at costs around £226,800 a year / £18,900 a month.

  • Hunter salesperson £8,333 a month / £100,000 a year
  • Marketing person £5,000 a month / £60,000 a year
  • Agency for Digital £3,000 a month / £36,000 a year
  • Office costs, laptops, mobile £700 a month / £8400 a year
  • CRM Software £250 a month / £3,000 a year
  • PPC costs for web leads on top of agency for Digital £1,000 a month / £12,000 a year
  • Linked in sales Navigator £80 a month / £220 a year x 2 to start with.
  • Build website, create logo and branding £6,000
  • Fully funded sales head
  • Digital services
  • Marketing services, blogs, social media, writing content, pdfs.
  • CRM
  • Office address
  • Changes to current website or build a new one in WordPress

£7,900 + Vat per month

This saves our clients around £11,000 per month if they were to do inhouse. 

Our 3 days a week service as outlined in the video, is a more cost effective way of getting traction for overseas vendors. We work with you current sales team, technical team and digital team to get results.